Special Events Funding

Apply For Special Events Funding

Special Events Funding is funding from CCSGA that student organizations can use to host an individual event for the student body. In order to be eligible for Special Events Funding, the event must be open to everyone on campus and/or benefit everyone on campus. Special Events Funding is limited each year and is distributed on a first come first serve basis. 


Application Process

Step 1: If your event requires any assistance with any of the following: set-up. AV, security, catering, cleaning, etc.) then you must attend a Student Event Summit meeting. If you are unsure as to what the Student Event Summit is, click here

Fill out an Event Registration Form on Presence to be scheduled for the Student Events Summit, which takes place every Wednesday from 12:30pm to 2pm in the Student Event Space (Worner basement, large room across from the stairs). Email Crystal Hurtado (churtado@dcvg-cn.com) with any questions you may have.

Step 2: Please fill out this form providing your contact information and information about your event.

Step 3: Schedule an appointment with the Finance Committee. You must meet with the Finance Committee at least 2 weeks before the date of your proposed event and 4 weeks in advance for events over $3,000. The Finance Committee meets with groups 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Tuesdays at 3:00pm. An appointment takes about 15 minutes. 

You are now ready to come in for your appointment!

Step 4: Once your funding has been used you have 1 week to fill out a Special Event Summary form, which can be found here. This form will ask you to reflect on the use of the special funding you were allocated and to keep records on how Special Event Funding has been used. 

Important Notes: If you are awarded Special Events Funding, your advisor must also approve the final budget as well in order to access the funds.

*CCSGA does not cover reimbursement costs if your event has already taken place.*

Report an issue - Last updated: 01/22/2025