The Finance Committee, chaired by the Vice President of Finance, is responsible for managing CCSGA's financial resources. It oversees the budgeting process for CCSGA-chartered and recognized organizations and manages the Special Events Funding process wherein student groups seeking funding for events must submit applications and meet with the committee. The committee evaluates these proposals and, if necessary, involves Full Council for approval when the request amounts to more than $3,000 or the committee wants additional input. At each Full Council meeting, the Finance Committee presents updates on financial statuses, including special events, project budgets, and other CSCGA funds, such as the Contingency Fund. Additionally, the Finance Committee ensures compliance with IRS rules and the college's Anti-Discrimination Policy and conducts periodic audits to assess the efficient use of funds by CCSGA-funded organizations.
This year, the Finance Committee will conduct a thorough review of all $1,200,000 that CCSGA allocates every year to offices, departments, and student groups on campus to ensure that the funds are being used to benefit students in ways that align with CCSGA’s stated mission and goals. As part of this process, the committee will be thinking about ways that CCSGA can better support and provide oversight to the groups that are funded, which may include the implementation of semi-annual reports or other such mechanisms.
What is the Student Activity Fee Used For?
Student Organizations
Cutler Publications: $136,000.00
Llamapalooza: $81,700.00
NASU- Powwow: $30,000
SoCC- Battle of the Bands: $15,000.00
Dance Workshop: $12,200.00
Theatre Workshop: $1,100.00
Student Resources & Offices
Office of Campus Activities: $205,000.00
Athletics- Intramural & Club Sports: $125,000.00
Outdoor Education: $70,000.00
Arts & Crafts: $43,900.00
Butler Center: $22,000.00
Office of Sustainability: $18,000.00
Food Pantry: $15,000.00
Student NY Times Subscription: $12,720.00
Bemis School of Art: $6,500.00
Student Organization Budgets: $128,400.00
Special Events Funding: $88,800.00
Administrative: $25,000.00
Wellness Fund: $20,000.00
Inclusion Fund: $20,000.00
Passion Projects: $20,000.00
Initiative: $10,000.00
Alumni/Parent Relations: $29,000.00Athletic Spirit: $10,000.00
Summer Session: $5,000.00
Have Questions?
Email Vice-President of Finance, Reign La France at
Need Funding For Your Student Group Or Special Event?
Please visit the Special Events Funding page.